Why the Perfect Circus?


It’s been said that many circus folk grew up listening to stories about the famous Windy Van Hooten’s Mystical, Magical Circus. From what I’ve read, it’s just that – the mythical “perfect circus” where everything is wonderful and everyone gets the money, respect and working conditions they deserve and then some.

Being a clown as well as a dreamer, I found myself intrigued by such a mystical, magical place.  It sounds wonderful to me.  So, I decided to name my blog in honor of it…

The Perfect Circus.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy sharing it with you.

About Shimmy The Clown

I AM.....critter crazy, an animal advocate, a nature lover, a great listener, a character clown, a child at heart, a belly dancer, not quite a snake charmer, a monkey mind expert, a curly girl, a tree hugger, a novice photographer, face painter wannabe, introverted, but friendly, a lover of books, sensitive & compassionate, a bodhisattva in training, a day dreamer, an utterly amazing product of dysfunction, perfect in a slightly imperfect way, pretty easy going, somewhat shy, even-keeled, a heavy thinker, a daughter, sister, wife & friend, quite complicated & very sincere.

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